Woodley Sports FC Woodley , Stockport

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Woodley Sports FC venue information

Woodley Sports Football Club is located in Woodley, a suburb of Stockport in the North West of England.

The ground lies a short distance from the new Manchester Ring Road, the M60.

To reach us from the motorway, you should leave at Junction 25, which is signposted for Bredbury.

Follow signs from here for the A560 towards Bredbury and Sheffield.Just after passing the McDonalds Drive-Thru, take a left at the traffic lights and proceed down Stockport Road towards Woodley, passing under the railway bridge at Bredbury Railway Station.

Having passed St Mark's Church on the right, you reach a set of traffic lights.

Immediately after the lights, at The Lowes Arms and before the Woodley Arms Pub, turn left onto Mill Street.

Proceed over the bridge on Mill Lane and then follow the signs to the ground

Venue contact details and info

Name: Woodley Sports FC

Address: Lambeth Stadium , Lambeth Grove, Woodley , Stockport, SK6 1QX

Phone: 0161 406 6896

Venue short url: https://www.skiddle.com/venues/12686/

Type of venue: Outdoors