New Year's Eve Countdown:

Taliesin Arts Centre Swansea

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Taliesin Arts Centre venue information

Taliesin Arts Centre is at the heart of Swansea University's Singleton Campus. Open throughout the year, we host a broad programme of events including cinema screenings, an average of ten visiting exhibitions per year, and a great variety of live performances, from dance and drama to jazz and world music

The emphasis here at Taliesin is on quality and innovation - providing a vital service to both students + and the people of Swansea and acting as a regional centre of excellence. As well as events within the building, recently, thanks to increased funding from the Wales Assembly Government and the Arts Council of Wales, we have begun to take our productions outside of the theatre, holding Dance Days, an annual festival in the city centre, and touring our own productions and co-productions to other venues across Wales + beyond.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Taliesin Arts Centre

Address: Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA2 8PZ

Phone: 01792602060

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Theatre