New Year's Eve Countdown:

In The Woods Nr Staplehurst

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In The Woods venue information

In The Woods Festival

As we like to keep the location of ITW a secret, we don’t give out the address until a few days before the festival starts. Now if that panics any of you don’t worry. We can tell you that it's in Kent, a 1.5 hour car journey from London. Those of you who want to take public transport can get a train from London Bridge to Staplehurst.

Venue contact details and info

Name: In The Woods

Phone: n a

Type of venue: Outdoors

Nearest Bus Stop: There will be a shuttle bus operating a return service from the station. This will cost £4 each way. A timetable will be sent to you nearer the time letting you know which bus you can get.

Address: Secret location, Nr Staplehurst, TN12 0QN

Venue short url:

Parking: Yes, the festival has free on site parking.