Realist Academy Walton Hall Warrington

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Realist Academy Walton Hall venue information

The Realist Academy Walton Hall was established due to a demand for a traditional academic approach too drawing and painting in the North West.

At present the school will be teaching the fundamentals of Portrait Drawing and Painting. The Academy offers a number of different approaches both traditional and modern. We aim to create a balanced technique of careful time-tested methods from both the traditional and Illustration schools. RAWH provides amateur and professional artists with an opportunity to perfect their skills. Through a practical understanding of the materials and methods taught, students will cultivate the means to describe reality with an articulate visual language.

Louis Smith is the principle teacher he a classically trained portrait painter, studying in Florence for three years. He has been shortlisted for a number of art prizes such as the BP Portrait Award and Threadneedle Prize

Venue contact details and info

Name: Realist Academy Walton Hall

Phone: 07960989666

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub

Address: Walton Hall Gardens, Walton Lea Road, Higher Walton, Warrington, WA4 6SN


Capacity: 10