Chic Bar Weymouth

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Reviews of Chic Bar Weymouth in Weymouth

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Chic Bar Weymouth venue information

Hardcore hardstyle bounce night in the chic bar weymouth.
This will be our first night to launch our brand "Dejavu"
Will we be bringing you a special guest
DJ Alex prospect mc free
Dj fatsteve and dave castellano
Dj Deckhead
Dj x b2b Burnout
Dj Robbie h
Dj ReAlity
MC Buzz
MC wingman
Grab a bargin
Early birds £5
First release £8
VIPS £10 (entery and bag of goodies)
ID ON ENERTY CLUB... so please bring I'd.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Chic Bar Weymouth

Phone: 07809730382

Capacity: 200

Type of venue: Nightclub

Opening hours: 9-3.30

Food served: No

Nearest Bus Stop: Weymouth Town centre

Address: 3-5 Maiden Street, Weymouth, DT4 8BB

Venue short url:

Music Policy: Yes

Clientele: Hardcore music

Drinks served: Yes

Parking: No

Nearest Train Station: Weymouth town