The Dorothy Inn Weymouth

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The Dorothy Inn venue information

Located on the Weymouth Esplanade the Dorothy is believed to have been a Victorian Tearoom.

Sometime in the 1930's it became the first seafront fish & chip restaurant in Weymouth town as the Dorothy Cafe. The original sign can still be viewed on the western side of the historic listed building. In the mid 80's it was converted into a nightclub but unfortunately destroyed by fire in 1995.

After 2 years it was rebuilt and refurbished into a traditional friendly pub named The Dorothy Inn with its sports bar/nightclub on the first floor and Bed & Breakfast accomodation above. We are the only place in Weymouth with all of these facilities under one roof.

Venue contact details and info

Name: The Dorothy Inn

Address: 48/49 The Esplanade, Weymouth, DT4 8DQ

Phone: 01305 766996

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Nightclub