Lincoln Drill Hall

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Lincoln Drill Hall venue information

Lincoln Drill Hall is one of the most important catalysts for creativity in Lincoln. We strive to generate the best possible environment to enable the people of Lincoln and beyond to create, experience and get involved with a broad range of arts and popular culture activities.
Our goal is to persuade people who already engage with the arts to try something new and to encourage those who do not, to make the arts part of their lives.
Our programme therefore includes arts events that challenge those comfortable with the arts to broaden their horizons and arts events that embrace people who think the arts are not for them, alongside popular culture events that create a credible entry point for those traditionally excluded from the arts.

Venue contact details and info

Name: Lincoln Drill Hall

Phone: 01522 534160

Venue short url:

Type of venue: Theatre

Clientele: Any

Drinks served: Yes

Disabled facilities: Yes

Nearest Train Station: Lincoln Central

Address: Freeschool Lane, Lincoln, LN2 1EY


Capacity: 375 Seated 550 All Standing

Dress code: Casual

Opening hours: Open all day everyday

Food served: Yes

Parking: Limited

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