Introducing Waiting List
making the ticketing experience as easy and stress free as possible

Currently, there's understandably a lot of frustration when an event sells out and customers can't get their hands on tickets. Often this is just an unavoidable situation for very popular events. But sometimes, additional tickets are released by the promoter, or customers who can no longer go add their tickets for resale via our official face-value ticket exchange platform Re:Sell.

Unless customers are watching the event page like a hawk, it's easy to miss out on these extra tickets. Sometimes they start appearing on secondary ticketing outlets or purchased by touts. Others might not be purchased at all as customers don't spot them in time.

Thats why we launched Waiting List. When an event sells out, we'll automatically enable Waiting List, giving customers the opportunity to add themselves to a queue for tickets. When additional tickets are released (either from the promoter, or via Re:Sell), we will reserve tickets for customers on the waiting list on a first-come-first-served basis.

Customers then get 20 minutes to claim the tickets allocated to them, via SMS, App Push and Email alerts. Tickets are safely reserved in customer's baskets. Any remaining tickets are released to the public.

If customers don't claim the tickets allocated to them, they quickly move to the next person on the list, or to the public if the list has been exhausted.



What is Waiting List?

Waiting List allows you to register that you're interested in tickets for a sold out event. If more tickets become available you'll be automatically reserved tickets, on a first-come-first-served basis.

How do I add myself to Waiting List?

Simply select how many tickets you'd like (up to a maximum of 2) and click 'Join Waiting List'

Will I be notified when tickets are available and if so how?

Yes, as soon as tickets are released, you'll be sent an email and SMS alert. Each will contain a link taking you to your reserved tickets on Skiddle.

It's important that you act upon this quickly, as you only have 20 minutes to claim your tickets before they move to the next person on the Waiting List.

Which events will have the waiting list facility?

All sold out events will have this facility. Please note, the event organiser does have the option to disable this should they wish.


Allocating Tickets

How are tickets allocated?

Tickets are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, so customers on the top of the list will be notified first. If those customers do not buy their tickets within the allocated timeframe, the next customers on the list will be notified, and so on.

What will I see on the event when a batch of tickets are released\tickets are returned?

When a batch of tickets is released you will see a sold out ticket box as the waiting list is putting tickets in people's baskets. If there are any tickets left, or people reject tickets they will go on general sale

What if I need less tickets than I've been reserved?

We will reserve you the number of tickets you requested, but you'll have the option to buy less at the checkout if you've changed your mind.

What if I don't want any tickets you've reserved for me?

That's fine, just ignore the notification and the ticket(s) will be passed to the next person on the list.

We'll leave you on the Waiting list for the remaining quantity until those have been allocated to you. Once this has happened, you'll then be completely removed from the list.

For example. If you'd requested 3 tickets, were notified about 2 which you didn't purchase then you will be kept on the waiting list for 1 ticket.

What if it's not possible to reserve the number of tickets I'd like?

If we couldn't allocate you the full number of tickets you requested, we'll still alert you and let you buy as many as we can allocate at that time.


Reserving tickets

What type of tickets will you reserve for me?

We'll reserve the lowest price tickets that are currently available

How many tickets can I sign up for?

You can sign up for a maximum of 2 tickets per person.

Can I add myself to the waiting again after I've purchased tickets?

Yes, you can join the waiting list again, you'll be added to the end of the queue.

Can I add myself to the waiting list more than once?

No, customers can only appear on each event's Waiting List once. If you wish to update your quantity, you'll need to remove yourself and rejoin.


Released Tickets

I've missed my chance, what happens now?

If tickets weren't allocated to you, because you were too far down the Waiting List, we'll keep your position should any additional tickets be released.

How do I remove myself from the waiting list?

Once you're on the list, there's a simple 'Remove from Waiting List' button on the event page. Please be aware, that if you remove yourself, you'll lose your position in the line.

How long will I get to buy after I'm notified some tickets have been reserved for me?

You will have a 20 minute time frame to respond to the alert. Once you've responded, you get the usual 10 mins with the checkout to purchase.

Will I stay on the waiting list if I don't buy all of the tickets you reserve for me?

If you've been reserved the full number of tickets you asked for, you'll be removed from the waiting list, regardless of how many you decide to buy.

I was notified about tickets when I was asleep/at work/at college/on the toilet. Is there anything you can do?

Tickets may be made available at any time. We can appreciate that this may happen at unsuitable hours but this is the only way to ensure that they're fairly offered to each person in the list.

The best thing to do if you miss your chance is re-add yourself to the waiting list.

NB. If you're notified between 10pm and 8am then your ticket(s) will be reserved until 8.30am. However, if you do click the link between these hours then you will have the usual amount of time to complete your purchase (10 minutes)

Waiting List Features

  • register for sold out tickets for your favorite events

  • get notifications if tickets become available

  • share links to friends for them to sign up

  • receive the lowest price tickets for events