Showing upcoming festivals from Mon 10th Mar 2025 onwards.
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Bassline Festival
21st - 22nd Jun 2025

90's Fest
12th - 13th Jul 2025
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There's so many amazing festivals out there but it can be difficult to work out which festivals you're going to attend. There's so many things to take into consideration - the location of the festival, the size of the festival, the genre of music, whether it's family friendly and the type of facilities onsite.
Skiddle's new Festivals Finder is here to make the process that bit easier. Simply use the Festivals Finder's unique festival search, which include options allowing you to search for festivals based on filters such as location; month; genres; type; size; accommodation; amenities and even the artists you've liked on Facebook!
Shaun has been at the forefront of the northern garage scene since 1996 and has played @ all major events here and abroad with the top dj's in the scene..
He is the longest serving resident for the mighty NICHE brand and is also responsible for producing some of the classic tunes (see discography) throughout the years, even venturing into the uk top 20 with 'Gonna Catch Ya' (Gordons Groove) with the Barkin Brothers.
Known for playing the big beatz first, Shaun has also broke some of the biggest artists in the garage scene to press....