Wrestling Events

Wrestling Events

Few spectacles combine hard-hitting combat, high-flying athletics, and heart-stopping drama like live Wrestling events.

Whilst you might be thinking, isn't this all just the WWE? Well, there you would be wrong. Up and down the country, high-octane wrestling action takes over the rings and ropes, providing unrivalled entertainment that never disappoints and is always an incredible night out with family and friends.

In the UK, huge brands like Futureshock Wrestling, PCW UK, W3L Wrestling, Wrestleforce and Future Pro Wrestling are some of the best places to watch the action unfold, but you can scroll down to find all of the Wrestling tickets on sale on Skiddle below!

London and the South of England:

Northern England:

Monopoly Events - For the Love of Wrestling

Monopoly Events - For the Love of Wrestling

BEC Arena, Manchester

15th February

9:00am til 6:00pm

No age restrictions

For ticket prices, please click here (Additional fees may apply)

For the Love of Wrestling is Europe's largest dedicated wrestling fan convention, featuring the bigg...

Wrestling by the sea

Wrestling by the sea

Staining Village Hall, Blackpool

8th March

7:00pm til 9:30pm

No age restrictions

For ticket prices, please click here (Additional fees may apply)

putting on a wrestling show for charity and the more fans we have the more it helps the charity

The Midlands:

Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland: