Review: Ben Folds Five @ Manchester O2 Apollo, 29/11/12

Nina Gerrard re-acquaints herself with the reunited Ben Folds Five as their UK reunion tour hits Manchester.

Jayne Robinson

Date published: 12th Dec 2012

Ben Folds Five are an alt-rock trio who, brazenly masquerading as a quintet, have been bringing us piano-based 'punk rock for sissies' since the mid 90's.

They have taken a friendly break from each other in the past but, fortunately for us, they have reunited to perform more of their semi-autobiographical music; like a life narrated with harmonies. So, it makes perfect sense for them to open the show with “Michael Praytor; Five Years Later” from their new album The Sound of the Life of the Mind. This track alongside 'Do it Anyway', 'Draw a Crowd' and 'Erase Me' are stand-outs on this new album, which is definitely worth a listen if you are or were at any point, a Ben Folds Five fan. And although you can compare some of these tracks to other contemporary bands such as OK Go and even Scissor Sisters, you could just as easily detect an influence on their work from early Ben Folds Five material.

I must admit, I've fallen for The Sound of the Life of the Mind pretty swiftly so I would have been content with just seeing the 10 new tracks performed live. But anyone concerned they wouldn't hear anything from the Ben Folds back catalogue had their worries dissolved as they were treated to classics like 'Battle of Who Could Care Less', 'Brick', 'Song for the Dumped' and the 1997 track 'Selfless, Cold & Composed' which descended delightfully into free-form jazz.

It was also pretty sweet to witness some comedic intervals with improvised lyrical skills, previously showcased in Ben Folds' Chatroulette gigs. These little breaks also gave Ben time to plug his arty black and white photography exhibition, which is well worth a look.

The show also included a few B-sides and lesser known tracks like 'Uncle Walter', 'Narcolepsy', 'Jackson Cannery' and 'Missing The War', all of which got a great reaction from the audience of die-hard Ben Folds Five fans, as the whole room collectively thought: “Oh yeah, I forgot about that one!”

A necessity of any good reunion tour; the encore must be chosen carefully. And Ben Folds Five chose well: '200 Solemn Faces' and 'Kate' were magical highlights.

It was an evening of nostalgia, but also with a hope that the new music will keep on coming. This was not the reunion tour of some ageing rockers, but a reinvigorated band playing new and old songs alike with a renewed energy.

Words: Nina Gerrard

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