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Culture calling are saying that it is time we took back control of our Industry and show the Government how important the sector is to the UK; scroll down and see what you can do to help!

Skiddle Staff

Date published: 14th Nov 2023

Industry leaders are coming together to save UK Culture! Culture Calling is a new initiative produced by Save Our Scene and the Night Time Industries Association, which is looking to help get financial support for the hospitality and culture sectors within the UK.

On their aims, Culture Calling said: "Over the last three years, the Government has consistently undervalued the hospitality and culture sectors within the UK, failing to deliver adequate support at a time of crisis. 

"Our industry is suffering, with over 13,000 businesses lost since March 2020, and thousands more are now on the verge of collapse, with millions of jobs at risk. 

"It is time we took back control of our Industry and show the Government how important the sector is to the UK."



What are they calling for?

The financial constraints on businesses are untenable, with operating costs 40% above pre-pandemic levels, consumers starting to feel the inflationary pressures, and attendance and spending being affected is squeezing the profit line of every business within the UK. 

Independent businesses and culture have been the hardest hit with a 13% contraction in independent businesses and the culture economy struggling to return in time to save many from insolvency. 

They have consistently asked for financial relief through the Government but the recent Spring budget left a void in support which many will not recover from. Businesses are dealing with an immediate crisis, which needs immediate action from a Government that once said they would leave no one behind.  

Culture Calling are asking for the Government to cut VAT across the board for the Hospitality and the Cultural sectors to allow them the financial headroom to survive.


What do they need from you?

  1. Sign up to support them
  2. Follow their socials and share their content
  3. Email your MP


The Culture Calling campaign looks to be one of the biggest movements to help the hospitality and culture sectors this country has ever seen. Activating millions of online fans, workers, artists and DJs across an entire sector with huge support already from mainstream, industry and global media. 

The campaign will run alongside a lobbying campaign targeting MPs within the House of Commons, activation stunts and culminating in an email your MP push leading up to the Autumn budget!


Visit their website to find out more information and see what you can do to help! - HERE



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Header image credit: Culture Calling

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