Stewart Lee to curate ATP 2016

The 41st best stand-up comedian ever - Stewart Lee will curate next year's edition of All Tomorrow's Parties.

Mike Warburton

Date published: 25th Jun 2015

Photo: Stewart Lee

All Tomorrow's Parties has announced that celebrated comedian Stewart Lee will be in charge of curating next year's event, which will be held at a Pontin's in Prestatyn Wales from April 15-17th.

Stewart Lee's been known to have a keen ear for under-the-radar music taking in a wide range of styles and genres, making him a prime candidate for the ATP job. He gave the following statement about it, which gives an insight in to what to expect from the comedian: 

"Of all the ATPs I’ve attended, the 2001 weekend, when Tortoise curated it and laid American free jazz, European improv noise, alternative country rock, alienating stand-up comedy, ambient electronica, eighties hardcore, seventies CBGBs nostalgia, smart-arse post punk, Dutch anarcho-jazz and all manner of unexpected cross-currents on curious young people remains a pivotal point in my musical education. It’s a great honour to be allowed to attempt something similar. Bring a bucket, spade, swimwear and an open mind."

Head here for more on ATP 2016


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